Meet our Elephants

Smalltown Elephants

At The Smalltown Circus we have numerous elephants scattered throughout the gym. Many of our students, families, friends, and others have brought elephants to the gym from all over to their home at The Smalltown Circus. Our elephant craze began with an elephant that Sabrina, the owner got at her first trip to see the circus while she was a child and really kicked off when our 2nd elephant Elliot made a home at The Smalltown Circus. All of our elephants names start with El- and are named by the person who gifted the elephant to The Smalltown Circus. None of our elephants have the same name. These elephants can be found being used and displayed throughout The Smalltown Circus. 


Ellie was the original elephant at The Smalltown Circus. Ellie was originally a snow cone cup from Sabrina’s first trip to the Barnum and Bailey Circus as a child. Now Ellie holds change for waters at The Smalltown Circus. 


Elliot is a resin elephant created by a local smalltown artist, Amanda Wiesbrock. Elliot is The Smalltown Circus’s pencil and business card holder, but she also works as a phone holder. Elliot was the 2nd elephant at The Smalltown Circus and really kicked off The Smalltown Elephants.


Elizabeth is an original Barnum and Bailey Circus Mug. She was found in an antique store on the way home from Sabrina’s grandmother’s house and gifted to The Smalltown Circus from Sabrina’s father. Elizabeth was named Elizabeth after Sabrina’s grandmother.


Gifted to The Smalltown Circus all the way from Mexico by Kira is Elena (El-in-a). Elena is named after someone Kira met on her trip to Mexico. Elena is made out of a special clay that is made where Kira was vacationing. 


Ellen is always stretching in her yoga poses. Ellen was gifted by Lana. Although she is not currently being used by The Smalltown Circus to hold money, Ellen is actually a piggy bank. Lana found Ellen at a local antique store in Elmwood. 


Elphaba is named after the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz by Kira. Elphaba was found at Aldi’s and Kira could not resist her. Elphaba was gifted to The Smalltown Circus as a stool to help staff members reach higher locations in the gym. She is regularly used to place other elephants and pictures on our shelves at The Smalltown Circus. 


Eli was gifted to The Smalltown Circus by Lana. She is a fan favorite of the tots in our Aerial Tumble Tots Program and is commonly found on The Smalltown Circus’s desk. Ironically, one of Lana’s favorite programs to watch and help with is the Aerial Tumble Tots Class. Eli was won in a pie number contest. 

Ele Acrobats

Ele Acrobats was found at The Pink Elephant Antique Mall in Livington, Illinois on the way back from an acro workshop that The Smalltown Circus attended. The Pink Elephant Antique Mall has various elephants scattered throughout the mall almost like an I Spy book that came to life. Ele Acrobats were chosen out of many elephants to come home to The Smalltown Circus.